LaRae and I both thank everyone so much for an amazing year thus far, and thank you so much for voting for Greg & LaRae Photography to be voted for the second year in a row for the Wedding Wire Couples Choice Award. It is an honor to do what we and to make a difference in the lives of all the people we meet. We cannot wait to work with you again as we continue to expand into other areas of portraiture. We will have some big plans in store for 2017 that can have an effect on our whole community as we look to serve the Sioux Empire in a greater capacity.
Also just a quick note with more info to follow... All of March and April Greg will be having an art showing at the Museum of Visual Materials of his various paintings and photography of his travels and combat journalism. There will be a reception the first Friday in March with cheese and wine. The more people that come.. the more vino we will buy;) See you all there!